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5 balance sheet assets you can leverage
Invoice Finance, Asset Based Lending Robin Tarling Invoice Finance, Asset Based Lending Robin Tarling

5 balance sheet assets you can leverage

Are you frustrated by a lack of cash?

You may already have a bank overdraft or a loan, but what if it isn’t enough?

Many business owners aren’t aware of asset based lending, and exactly which assets on the company balance sheet can be leveraged to generate working capital.

In this article, I summarise the main considerations of each asset class.

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What is invoice finance?
Invoice Finance Robin Tarling Invoice Finance Robin Tarling

What is invoice finance?

Invoice finance is a way for businesses selling their goods or services to other businesses to borrow cash using their outstanding sales invoices (or accounts receivable) as security.

Your unpaid sales invoices (debtors) are an asset; provided you are selling to good quality customers and the invoices are going to get paid, they are of value to a lender as security or collateral for a loan.

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Invoice finance: top 5 objections
Invoice Finance Robin Tarling Invoice Finance Robin Tarling

Invoice finance: top 5 objections

Although invoice finance has grown in popularity considerably in recent years, and the product continues to evolve and develop, some age-old myths about it still exist today.

It's niche, and perceived as being far more complicated than conventional lending products, and as such a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounds it.

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